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House Fire Lilly Road
By Past Fire Chief Allen Beiler
November 28, 2019
At 15:11 yesterday afternoon, Station 33 -Honey Brook Fire Company was dispatched full company to assist Station 35 -Wagontown Fire Department on a house fire in the 100 block of Lilly Road in West Caln Township. Station 31-Sadsburyville for two Engines, Station 8- Keystone Valley for Ladder 8, Station 144- Westwood EMS Ambulance, Station 49-Lancaster County White Horse Fire for two Engines were also on the first dispatch. Engine 33-1 arrived first on the scene and initiated the fire attack. Command was setup by Wagontown Chief Todd Zeigler, and Operations was handled by HBFC Asst Chief Gary Ream Jr. A “Working Fire” report added county fire marshals, and Station 27 - Cochranville- Rescue 27. Chief Zeigler added two addtl tankers- westwood Tanker 44 and Lanco White Horse Tanker 49 to the assignment.