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Water Street House Fire
By Assistant Chief Nathan Romig
May 18, 2021
Just after 0030 on May 18th Honey Brook Fire Company along with mutual aid was alerted for a house fire in the 400 block of Water Street. Soon after dispatch Chief and Deputy 33 responded and arrived to find smoke coming from the attic of the end unit of a multi-unit row home. Deputy 33 established Water Street command and requested the working fire dispatch. Engine 33-1 utilized the hydrant at the corner of Maple St and Water Street and laid into the scene. The crew from Engine 33-1 deployed a hand line to the interior of the end unit and made their way to the attic. Crews were met with banked down smoke in the attic stairwell, pushed through and quickly found the seat of the fire extinguishing it. Multiple other crews checked the exposure attics and found smoke throughout all of them with no fire extension. Crews ventilated all attics before placing the fire under control. Thank you to all mutual aid companies that assisted, East Brandywine, Twin valley, Caernarvon, Weaverland valley, Elverson honey brook EMS for their assistance. Thank you to Wagontown and Whitehorse for standing by at our fire house during the incident.