Honey Brook Fire Company

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Honey Brook Fire Company
2025 Responses
Jan 39
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Total 90

2025 Runs
1st Due Fires 1
Total Fires 6
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Past Responses
2024 442
2023 346
2022 346
2021 308
2020 269
2019 324
2018 299
2017 308
2016 289
2015 267
2014 291
2013 277
2012 326
2011 300
Total 4392

Past Responses
2010 289


Fire Department

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Website Visitors
February 12, 2008
Visitors Today
Mar 11, 2025

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Signed on June 07, 2021 at 9:17 AM
Name: Carol & Helmut P. and family

A big "THANK YOU" to Fire Fighters for helping family in Honey Brooke, Pa. on June 5th.

Signed on April 27, 2020 at 9:05 PM
Name: Bruce Guenther
Rank/Title: Great-Grandson of John C. Donecker, First President of HBFC No. 1 (1893)
Web Address: 911 Roslyn Drive
Location: Salem Township, Luzerne County, PA

Nice to see the history of the Fire Company available online. Proud that my great-grandfather played a role in getting this service organization started. Thank you all for your service and keeping a proud history moving forward.

Signed on November 05, 2019 at 11:55 PM
Name: Sam
Web Address: designfeu.com

Thank you so much for your service and all you do for our community!

Signed on March 18, 2017 at 10:31 AM
Name: Charles Teal
Rank/Title: Firefighter/Past Chief
Location: Brocks Mill FD Chesterfield county SC

Enjoyed checking out your web-site. I was checking on the rescue unit you have for sale.
Charles Teal

Signed on September 05, 2015 at 10:54 AM
Name: Gary Chase
Location: Honey Brook

Just want to thank the EMT members who helped me when I had my heart attack on July 17th, 2015, they were fast and very knowledgable and am very thankful to them all. Thanking You, Gary Chase

Signed on May 31, 2015 at 12:34 PM
Name: Christopher Bunn
Rank/Title: ex-asst chief
Web Address: www.emergencymappingsolutionsllc.com
Location: lower makefield twsp

Love the pictures of our trucks. Rescue trucks looks great.

Signed on September 20, 2014 at 11:14 AM
Name: Heather Supplee

Thank you for getting me out from under my car yesterday. Words can not express how grateful I am that the crew was able to get me out so quickly and to the hospital. I was beyond scared but the emts were able to help calm me down. Thank you all so much!

Signed on September 15, 2013 at 9:27 AM
Name: Michael Jobe
Rank/Title: Engineer
Location: Christiana Fire Company

I just wanted to thank the crew that came to our fire house for the stand by on Saturday September 14. With one call ( Car Fire at Dutchway Farm Market) that gave them a little excitement for a short time. This crew was very professional, as well as everyone at Honeybrook Fire Company is I am sure. I know it was a long day for the crew. I just want to thank the crew from myself as well as Christiana Fire Company. See you at the next big call.

Signed on August 04, 2013 at 1:26 AM
Name: Taylor

I want to thank the crew for helping to fight our fire. It has just passed the 1 year mark.

Signed on December 17, 2012 at 3:54 PM
Name: Ben Rodkey
Rank/Title: Captain
Location: Red Lion Pa

Im a volunteer captain in york county and a career firefighter in anne arundel county md. Im trying to obtain information on my late grandfather. He was a member of your department prior to 1973 when he was killed by a drunk driver. His name is Kenneth Ranck Sr. If anyone could help me out I would appreciate it. Im looking for pictures, information, or if anyone would still be around that has stories about him that would be great. I can be reached at my email or cell 717-434-7179. Thanks

Signed on September 20, 2012 at 5:47 AM
Name: Al Beiler
Rank/Title: Past Chief-HBFC
Location: Narvon,PA

My Dad, Raymond is in ECH room 302- had some gall bladder issues and is having it removed today 9/20/12 AM.. For those of you who know him from around the station and fire police duties, feel free to stop and see him. He will be in until this weekend.

Signed on August 26, 2012 at 2:57 PM
Rank/Title: FIRE CHIFE
Web Address: WWW.WABAN.ORG


Signed on June 02, 2012 at 2:10 PM
Name: Robin Skosko

Thank you for providing a wonderful experience for our children and their friends on our twins 7th birthday. They all had a terrific time exploring the trucks and going for a ride. All of the firemen were so patient with our questions and we couldn't have asked for a better experience. Thanks for everything you so for our community!

Signed on August 17, 2011 at 11:13 AM
Name: Amanda L. Burns
Location: Farmington, New Mexico

I wanted to thank you guys for helping my Grandparents who were in the Mountanier on Friday that was broadsided and flipped on its side. I live in Farmington, New Mexico approximately 2,063.7 Miles from their home in Ridley Park, PA, so can't be there to help when things go wrong. I was a Member of the San Juan County Sheriffs Posse out here 5 years ago, so know just how thankless of a job it can be in certain situations. My Grandparents are my world and I miss them dearly. I'm so very, very, gratefull to all of you guys for being there!
Amanda L. Burns

Signed on August 13, 2011 at 8:36 AM
Name: Frank
Rank/Title: Luitenant
Web Address: www.brandweerwormerland.nl
Location: Wormerland Netherlands

Encountering Engine 2.
Me and my crew had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Eggers and his 'just of the boat' engine 2, during our practice evening. As he was trying to find out how to hold water into the pump, I'd tried to help him. The other man were more curious about the sound of the sirens. The electric sirens were quickly found and it was a good thing we were out in the open field. However it seemed they all thought the sounds came out of the federal Q. No-one had seen that knob on the floor,..
There are always things you want to do in life for ones, and this was one of them. Thank you Mr. Eggers and Engine 2 for putting that smile on my face while I was the first to give them a proper American fire-engine concert.

Keep up the good work
Greetings from the Netherlands

Signed on July 27, 2011 at 11:11 PM
Name: Alex
Rank/Title: Alex
Web Address: bluebookcars.blogspot.com
Location: Ukraine

Have nice day! Much useful information, nice design, but this color hurts your eyes. ?

Signed on February 07, 2011 at 1:05 AM
Name: Zachary Baker
Rank/Title: Firefighter
Location: Reading, Pa

Hello, my name is Zach Baker. Im the son of Corey Baker. And though it was over a year ago I want to thank for attending my father funeral. I just came across the post you made and I thank you for honoring him.

Signed on December 14, 2010 at 9:24 PM
Name: Joel Goulet
Rank/Title: Author
Web Address: www.joelgoulet.com
Location: Wausau, WI

Thank you for being firefighters and keeping people safe. I applaud your service to your community. Thank you for all that you do. I'd like to let you know about some special Firefighters tribute pages on my website. I set them up to honor firefighters everywhere. If you get a chance, please check them out. Stay safe and have a great day.

Signed on December 07, 2010 at 11:52 PM
Name: Joseph E Edwards
Rank/Title: Fire Chief
Web Address: EBFC49.org
Location: East Brandywine Fire Co.

On behalf of the East Brandywine Fire Company. I wanted to take a moment and personally thank the Honey Brook Fire Company and Chief Messner for an outstanding job at the Brandywine Manor House Fire. If it were not for the absolute hard work of all involved to fight the fire and maintain water supply the house and family property would have been lost. Thanks again for a great effort and supporting our company at the fire. Chief 49

Signed on November 30, 2010 at 2:33 PM
Name: Tibor Lorinc
Location: Slovakia

My name is Tibor, and I am firefighter in Nitra, a city in Slovakia.

YOur web page is very nice and interesting.

I wish you a lot of success in your future work.
Greetings from Slovakia

Tibor Lorinc

Signed on November 12, 2010 at 6:45 PM
Name: Gary L Anderson
Rank/Title: Life Member
Location: East Earl , Pa

Hi all love the web site , no longer a fire fighter , its for the new generation too get the job done

Signed on November 08, 2010 at 8:37 PM
Name: Bob Romig
Rank/Title: Past President - Five Points FC, Wilm, DE
Location: Poinciana,FLA

Good evening guys and gals. Most of you wouldn't remember me but I was an active member back in the mid 60's and 70's. Kenny Jackson knows me, the Kerns boys know me and PC Witman knows me and if old man Jack Jones is around he knows me.
It was great reading the history of the fire co and seeing my grandfathers name appear as "CHIEF" of the department, William J. Nelms. I remember my aunt telling about him falling in the molasses barell.
I have his gold badge and speaking trumpet that my aunt gave me.
I am now living in Florida and not an active FF anymore but do belong to the Fla. Fire Chiefs Assn. I was an officer in the Five Points FC in Wilmington, De and held all administrative offices and up to Deputy Chief in the fire line. I remember the old REO. We also had an old Seagrave open cab that we got from Coatesville. Anyone remember the old oil tanker we got from Sun Oil. Most of you won't because you were just dreams back then. Take care guys and hopefully I will still be around when you celebrate your 125th Anniversary.

Bob Romig

Signed on October 17, 2010 at 4:23 PM
Name: Monica Perry
Location: Ringgold, Georgia

We are looking forward to your mud sale in February, hope you are having it in 2011. We always enjoy the events and snow! I hope you sent the guy in France a patch. lol

Signed on August 11, 2010 at 2:31 PM
Name: Emily Dove
Rank/Title: Soon to be jr firefighter
Location: honeybrook

Keep up the good work you guys!!!!

Signed on July 22, 2010 at 8:38 PM
Name: John McHugh

Thank you for responding to the accident on Beaver Dam Rd on July 19th. That was a tough site to see on your web site and it must have been brutal to come across when you responded to this accident.

Signed on July 19, 2010 at 4:49 PM
Name: Kris King
Location: Honey Brook

Many thanks to the fire police for their assistance last evening at the community memorial on Beaver Dam Road. We appreciate your time and attention to the safety of everyone who attended.

Signed on June 29, 2010 at 11:50 AM
Name: Elke R. Melconian
Location: Phoenixville

Nice website! Love your Annual Auction. There is always something to bid on
I can not live without and have walked off with some very nice "stuff". Keep up the good work and esp. in this heat, BE SAFE! MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALL.

Signed on June 13, 2010 at 11:48 PM
Name: Joseph E Edwards
Rank/Title: Fire Chief
Web Address: ebfc49.org
Location: East Brandywine Fire Co

Chief 33, Thank You for sending us an Engine on Sat to our fourth annual Kids Fest. Without your help the festival would not have been a huge success. The Fire Truck rides were Outstanding!!! The long lines to experience the thrill of riding a fire truck was never ending. We heard parents praise the work of your crew with the helping the kids. Our Kids fest was attended by about 1500 kids plus there parents. Let us know if we can help you out in returning the favor. Once again thank you to you and your crew for helping make our Kids Fest a smashing success!! Chief 49

Signed on May 08, 2010 at 5:35 PM
Name: Ed Hartmann
Rank/Title: Consultant
Web Address: www.mutualaid.biz

Great Web Site!!! It has been a pleasure to work with you over the past few days. Keep up the good work, and know your hard work is appreciated.

Signed on March 14, 2010 at 7:37 PM
Rank/Title: firefighter
Location: france

your site is good !!

i am firefighter to france
and i collect the fire patchs
of the world

and i want the fire patchs of your fire service





stay safe

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Firehouse Solutions
Honey Brook Fire Company #1 Relief Association
P.O. Box 408
679 Firehouse Lane
Honey Brook, PA 19344-0408
Emergency Dial 911
Fire Station: (610) 273-2688
EMS Station: (610) 273-2539
Copyright © 2025 Firehouse Solutions (A Service of Technology Reflections, Inc.)