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2024 Reorganizational Meeting
January 8, 2024
On Friday, January 5th the Honey Brook Fire Company held its annual reorganizational meeting, where all operations, administration, and fire police officers were sworn in by Magisterial District Judge Tim Arndt. To close out the evening, Chief Steven Kern and Deputy Chief Gary Ream presented the following awards:
Fire Fighter of the Year: Josh Riehl JR Fire Fighter of the Year: John Henry Zook Years of Officership: Jake Bailey Chiefs Award: Barry Messner Jr. Presidents Award: Bill Ford Les Baxter Award: John Mckinley Fire Police Award: Dave Herb
Finally, Fire Chief Steven Kern and Deputy Chief Gary Ream presented councilmembers of Honey Brook Township with a plaque commemorating their generous purchase of a new command vehicle for the HBFC.
Fire Fighter of the Year: Josh Riehl
JR Fire Fighter of the Year: John Henry Zook
Chiefs Award: Barry Messner
Presidents Award: Bill Ford
Past Fire Chief Jake Bailey received a commemorative axe for his years of serving in various leadership roles from Lieutenant to Fire Chief.
Councilmembers from Honey Brook Township received a plaque to commemorate their generous purchase of a 2023 Chevrolet Tahoe that will serve as the main command vehicle for HBFC.