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Building Fire Upgrade in Honey Brook Township
February 7, 2024
At 02:23 this morning, Station 33 was alerted to the 200 block of White School Road in Honey Brook Township for an appliance fire. Initial reports indicated a "shredder" possibly on fire, however the remaining details were sparse and unclear. Deputy 33 arrived to find fire showing from the alpha side of a single story commercial building, requested the building fire assignment upgrade along with the working fire dispatch, and established command. Engine 33-1 arrived as the first due engine, laying 500' of LDH from the intersection of White School Road and Todd Road to the fire scene. The crew of Engine 33-1 stretched one attack line and found a large piece of commercial equipment inside the building involved, with fire spreading up the walls and the ceiling of the structure. Engine 33-5 took the second due engine assignment, providing Engine 33-1 with water and additional manpower. Crews operated for roughly 1.5 hours before clearing the scene. The cause of this fire is under investigation by the Fire Marshalls Office.
We'd like to thank all of our mutual aid partners for their assistance with this fire.
Mutual Aid:
69, L30, L34, L39, AMB1891, MICU193, Fire Marshalls